Donald Gilman Fox
Dr. Donald G. Fox was born in 1945 in Pi'ihonua near Hilo. He grew
up in Honolulu and attended the University Laboratory School from 1950
to 1963. He graduated from Pomona College in 1967 and received his
medical degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1971. He served
pediatrics residencies in Children's Hospitals in Dallas, Texas and
Columbus, Ohio. He was in the Air Force from 1973 to 1975, and worked
as a doctor in Haiti, Okinawa and Wake Island before returning to
Hawaii in 1976. Dr. Fox practiced for 25 years at the Kaiser Permanente
Punawai Clinic in Waipahu, Oahu. He became the Clinic chief but
continued to see patients in addition to his administrative duties.
Dr. Fox was married to Dr. Linda Chapanis, Chief of the State Department of Health's
Adult Mental Health Division. He had two sons: Bradley and David. He had a passion
for hiking, camping and kayaking. On November 25, 2001, Dr. Fox was on the mainland
and was traveling by limousine to the airport in Baltimore when he was killed
in a traffic accident.