Pergamum Acropolis
History of Pergamum Pergamum was a major city in western Asia Minor in New Testament times. It lies in a spacious valley, sixteen miles from the Aegean Sea in what is today the country of Turkey. In the centuries before Christ, Pergamum was the capital of an independent kingdom. Its impressive temples, library, and medical facilities made Pergamum a renowned cultural and political center. By the time Revelation was written, Pergamum had become part of the Roman Empire, but because of its location and importance, the Romans used it as an administrative center for the province of Asia. Pergamum’s dominant feature is its Acropolis, the hill on which the highest portion of the city was built. The Acropolis rises above the plain below, commanding a spectacular view of the surrounding region. In the centuries before Christ, the kings of Pergamum built palaces and temples on top of the Acropolis. |