Turkey Tour 2007

Priene - April 24

Bobbie is sitting in a noble’s seat in the marble amphitheater of Priene, a wealthy city high on a mountaintop. The city’s wealth came from wine, olive oil and its famous salted fish.

Bobbie Adkison (Croucher) 63

Isa is standing at the very edge of Priene pointing towards the olive groves that helped support the city.

Isa shot the group between the fingers of Jesus; Isa is Turkish for Jesus.

Linda Wooten 75; Roger Woo; Anita Donohoe 66; Sylvia Adkison (Brewer) 60; Bobbie Adkison (Croucher) 63

A cricket on the wall of Priene.

These two ducks were floating in the pool of a fountain at a roadside restaurant outside of Priene.

Turkey Tour 2007