June 1997
This group is begging for handouts after
losing their money on the slot machines.
Lissette Hace
Tom Hace '74
Carol Baker (Dawson) '73
Dave Greene '72
Marie Hace (Haskell) '71
Mike Gifford'74
DeAnn Spratt '76
Las Vegas, Begging
Las Vegas, Eatting EATING OUT
Left side:
Nick Pileggi '76
Tim Gifford '76
John Berkman '75
Right side:
Tim Hace '74

First row (L to R):
Betsy Berkman (Wirth) '74
Carol Baker (Dawson) '73
Second row (L to R):
Tim Gifford '76
Kathye Matthews '74
John Berkman '74
Marie Hace (Haskell) '71
Mike Gifford '74
Charlene Walker '74

Las Vegas, Pool

Third row (L to R): Deann Spratt '76, Yvette Jimerson '76, John Wirth '77