Roger Redwanski '68 compiled this dictionary many years ago with help from Khan Klatt '90. With further assistance from Ahmet Toprak, Turkish Culture List, we tried to add or indicate Turkish characters. This is very difficult to accomplish using HTML script.

You may also want to check Turkish Language Class, a free online Turkish language resource. It offers communication with other online students as well as a free dictionary you can download.

You can view the entire dictionary by scrolling down or go to each section by clicking on the links below.

Pronunciation Post Office
Basic Expressions Miscellaneous
Time Numbers
Traveling Colors
At The Hotel Days of the Week
In the Garage Months
Shopping Seasons

Since 1928, Turkish has been written in a slightly modified Latin alphabet which is very nearly phonetic.

The Turkish alphabet has 8 vowels (A E I I² O Ö U Ü) and 21 consonants. The letters Q,W and X do not exist in Turkish. Most letters are pronounced pretty much as you would expect, but some are not. Once the phonetic value of all letters is known, then it is rather easy to pronounce any word one sees or to spell any word one hears.The following letters require explanation:

Aa "a" as in "card" or "dark"
Cc "J" as in "judge"
Çç "ch" as in "church"
Ee "e" as in "bed"
Gg "g" as in "get"
I²i (undotted "i") "i" as in "sit"
Ii( dotted "i" ) ih
Jj "j" as in "azure"
Oo "o" as in "fold"
Öö German "ö" as in "König"
Ss "s" as in "sing"
(mark under letter)
"sh"as in "ship"
Uu "oo" as in "boot"
Üü "ü" as in "für"
Zz "z" as in "zoo"
Basic Expressions/Temel Sözler
hello merhaba
good morning günaydin
good day iyi günler
good evening iyi aks,amlar
good night iyi geceler
How are you? Nasilsiniz?
please lütfen
thank you tes,ekkür ederim
yes evet
no hayir
I'm hungry aciktim
I'm thirsty kayboldum
Help! Imdat!
I don't know bilmiyorum
I want istiyorum
I don't want istemiyorum
when ne zaman
yesterday dün
today bugün
tomorrow yarin
morning sabah
noon öglen
evening aks,am
night geçe
midnight geceyarisi
one hour bir saat
What is the time? Saat kaç?
At what time? Saat kaçta?
week hafta
month ay
year yil
airport havaalani
plane uçak
train station gar
train tren
port liman
ship gemi
bus station otogar
bus otobüs
bus stop otobüs dura
car araba
luggage bagaj
taxi (cab) taksi
ticket bilet
one way gidis,
return ticket gidis,-dönüs.
to rent kiralamak
porter hamal
Where is it? Nerede?
far uzak
close/near yakin
a good hotel iyi bir otel
Attention! Dikkat!
road yol
At The Hotel/Otelde
hotel otel
key anahtar
a room bir oda
single room tek kis,ilik oda
double room iki kis,ilik oda
room with bath banyolu oda
What does it cost? Kaç lira
hot water sicak su
soap sabun
bed yatak
towel havlu
blanket battaniye
sheet çars,af
pillow yastik
clean temiz
dirty kirli
breakfast kahvalti
lunch öglen yemegi
dinner aks,am yemegi
butter tereyagi
coffee kahve
tea çay
milk süt
sugar s,eker
the bill hesap
included dahil
excluded hariç
reduction indirim
cash nakit
leave/check out ayrilmak
In the Garage/Araba Tamircisinde
petrol benzin
motor oil motor yagi
tire lastik
brakes frenler
It does not work çalis,m¦yor
How much is it? Bu ne kadar?
money para
very expensive çok pahali
cheap ucuz
Is it old? Eski mi?
jeweler kuyumcu
gift hediye
carpet hali
gold altin
silver gümüs,
leather deri
copper bakir
brass pirinç
nice güzel
bread ekmek
water su
sparkling water maden suyu
fruit juice meyva suyu
wine s,arap
red kirmizi
white beyaz
beer bira
ice buz
meat et
chicken tavuk
fish balik
grilled izgara
fried kizarmis,
boiled has,lanmis,
fork çatal
spoon kas,ik
knife biçak
plate tabak
glass bardak
waiter garson
Post Office/Postahane
paper kagit
envelope zarf
token jeton
stamp pul
letter mektup
directory rehber
registered mail taahhütlü
a bir
this bu
that s,u (pronounced shu, otherwise means water)
before önce
after/later sonra
every her
straight dogru
back geri
right sag
left sol
center merkez
north kuzey
south güney
east dogu
west bati
sea deniz
mountain dag
lake göl
plateau yayla
forest orman
in içeri
out dis,ari
under altinda
on/over üstünde
beside yaninda
good iyi
bad kötü
little az
much çok
hot sicak
cold soguk
big büyük
small küçük
long uzun
short kisa
there is var
there is not yok
What? Ne?
How? Nasil?
Who? Kim?
Whose? Kimin?
Where? Nerede?
1 bir
2 iki
4 dört
5 bes,
6 alti
7 yedi
8 sekiz
9 dokuz
10 on
20 yirmi
30 otuz
40 kirk
50 elli
60 altmis,
70 yetmis,
80 seksen
90 doksan
100 yüz
250 ikiyüzelli
500 bes,yüz
1,000 bin
5,000 bes, bin
10,000 on bin
20,000 yirmi bin
50,000 elli bin
100,000 yüz bin
250,000 ikiüzelli bin
500,000 bes,yüz bin
1,000,000 bir milyon
white beyaz
black siyah
red kirmizi
yellow sari
green yes,il
blue mavi
Days of the Week
Monday Pazartesi
Tuesday Sali
Wednesday Çars,amba
Thursday Pers,embe
Friday Cuma
Saturday Cumartesi
Sunday Pazar
January Ocak
February S,ubat
March Mart
April Nisan
May Mayis
June Haziran
July Temmuz
August Agustos
September Eylül
October Ekim
November Kasim
December Aralik
Winter Kis,
Spring Ilkbahar
Summer Yaz
Autumn Sonbahar